Advice for aspiring authors

An aspiring author recently asked me what the most valuable lessons I learned from my journey as an indie author. Since every author’s writing journey is different, it’s tough to offer universal ‘advice’—one author may need to learn to cut unnecessary descriptions while another may need to add sensory details, drawing out their descriptions. So, after careful consideration, I’ve put together the following list of advice I wished I’d received earlier in my writing career that I think could apply to most authors:

  1. Embrace the Messiness of First Drafts: One of the most pivotal lessons I've learned is to embrace the messiness of first drafts. Writing is a process, and those initial drafts are often rough around the edges. It’s often better to keep going and crank out scenes that you can rearrange later or add notes to yourself in the margins than to go back and re-write/edit your story from scratch mid-draft. Otherwise, you could get stuck restarting the same story 10+ times and never finishing it (yes, I know from experience!).

  2. Find Inspiration in Unexpected Places: Inspiration can strike at the most unexpected times and in the most unlikely places. Whether it's a snippet of overheard conversation, a vivid dream, or a seemingly mundane observation, train yourself to be open to inspiration wherever it may appear. I used to keep a notebook on me (now I use the Notes app on my phone) to jot down ideas whenever inspiration strikes. You never know when a fleeting moment could spark the idea for your next masterpiece.

  3. Trust in the Power of Revision: Revision is where the real magic happens. Don't be afraid to roll up your sleeves and dive into the editing process. It's where you refine your story, sharpen your prose, and breathe life into your characters. Remember, writing is rewriting—so embrace the opportunity to polish your work until it shines.

  4. Celebrate Your Progress (not in comparison to others): I was on the swim team as a kid (this is relevant to writing, I promise) and I would often glance side to side to see where my opponents were. I'd lose precious seconds checking, and sometimes it would cost me the race. My dad told me to keep my eyes ahead and swim as if I was the only one in the pool. That was all it took for me to start winning. This wisdom applies to writing as well. Remember, your progress is more important than someone else’s success or failure, so don't be too wrapped up in measuring yourself through comparison. Enjoy the process and savor every victory, even the small ones.

  5. Stay Curious and Keep Learning: The writing journey is never-ending, and there's always something new to learn. Stay curious, explore different genres and styles, and never stop honing your craft. Whether it's attending workshops, reading craft books, or simply immersing yourself in great literature, keep feeding your creativity and expanding your horizons.

I hope you find these insights helpful as you embark on your own writing adventures. Remember, writing is a deeply personal and rewarding pursuit, so trust in your voice, embrace the process, and never stop chasing your literary dreams. Happy writing!


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